Houston History, a magazine published by the Center for Public History at the University of Houston, is the voice of history and culture throughout the Houston area. It aims to provide Houstonians with the opportunity to learn about all aspects of Houston’s history. The articles published will seek to educate and entertain while exploring important aspects of Houston’s history and culture.
Other cities value their pasts, using history as context for understanding the present, as a magnet for tourism, and as a guide to historical preservation. Our goal for Houston History is to make our region more aware of its history and more respectful of its past; we hope to contribute to the development of a stronger historical consciousness in Houston.
The magazine produces two print issues per yer in late spring and fall with added digital content on the website such as movies, audio clips of interviews, photographs, and links.
See below for submission information.
Editor: Debbie Z. Harwell, Ph.D.
Program Manager: Wes Jackson, Ph.D.
Contact us:
Houston History: 713-743-3123
Program Manager: 713-743-3087
Office Location: 332 McElhinney Hall, University of Houston
Mailing Address:
Center for Public History
University of Houston
3623 Cullen Blvd., Room 320
Houston, TX 77204-3007
The editors welcome the submission of manuscripts by all those interested in the history and culture of Houston, broadly defined. We are looking for manuscripts which make a significant contribution to the definition, understanding, and/or professional and intellectual progress of Houston’s local history that can be incorporated into various issues. Revisions will be suggested, if necessary, before the editors will accept an article for publication.
Manuscript Policy:
- Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as a Word Document in double-spaced typescript with 1 1/2 inch margins all around. Citations should appear as endnotes, not in-text references, and should conform to The Chicago Manual of Style. The title page needs to include the author’s name, address, and all other contact information including an email address.
- Research articles and photographic essays should be no more than fifteen double-spaced pages (12 pt. font) or 2,500-3,5000 words.
- Accompanying each submitted manuscript should be a brief description of the author’s background and work for use in a contributor’s note in the issue.
- Approximately 8-10 illustrations, including photographs and graphics, are required for all articles. Photographs can be black and white or color digital images; other illustrations should be professionally drawn to scale about twice the size of the final copy. Digital images should be high resolution and as large as possible (scans at 300dpi and digital photographs in their “original size”). We will edit the images to size. These should be submitted with the article with accompanying captions and photo credits. If you use illustrations, maps, or photographs protected by a copyright, you will be responsible for securing permission from the copyright holder to use them in your article. If you have any questions on resolution or permissions, please contact Debbie Harwell at dzharwel@central.uh.edu.
The following rules cover most of the common issues about copy editing:
Spelling: Refer to Merriam-Webster’s Eleventh New Collegiate Dictionary (2005) as your guide for spelling, hyphenation, closed or unclosed compounds, etc.
Capitalization: see The Chicago Manual of Style.
Quotations: For any quotes longer than 10 typed lines, please use block quotes and use a colon before the block quote. Do not put block quotes in italics and please indent .5 on each side.
Numbers: Spell out all numbers as long as they are two words or less, and always spell out numbers at the beginning of a sentence. For all other number issues see the Chicago Manual of Style.
Endnotes: Try to limit endnotes by inserting them at the end of the paragraph. If there are multiple references for a single entry, they can be combined into one endnote. Please include complete citations with books, periodicals, place and date of publication, name of publishing company, volume numbers, and page numbers. Do not use “p.” or “pp.” with page numbers. For citation style and information, refer to the Chicago Manual of Style.
Manuscripts, letters to the editor, and all other matter of an editorial nature should be addressed to:
Houston History
Center for Public History
University of Houston
3623 Cullen Blvd., Room 320
Houston, Texas 77204-3007
Tel: (713) 743-3123