Tag Archives | Engines of Our Ingenuity

Lienhard at microphone

Dr. John Lienhard – An Engine of Our Ingenuity

By Cameron Thompson  Lienhard records an episode of the Engines of Our Ingenuity. He provides presenters a document with twenty practices for research, writing, and presentation on the radio, including word choice, speech habits, and staying within the three-minute time limit. Photo courtesy of the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering.  One cold October […]

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20.1 Innovative Thinkers: Letter from the Editor

Debbie Z. Harwell, EditorDo you ever wonder when you see a new product, “Why didn’t I think of that?” (Sometimes followed by, “I’d be rich!”). As Google search for the question, “how do we get ideas?” returned 4.4 billion responses. (That’s billion with a “B”!). So, I did what most of us do and focused […]

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