A Call to Worship Vol. 8, No. 3 (Summer 2011) Download PDF Letter from Editor 2 From the Oasis of Love to Your Best Life Now: A Brief History of Lakewood Church by Phillip Luke Sinitiere 10 J.W.E. Airey, the Cowboy Priest by Anne Sloan 14 Unexpected Adaptability by Jere Pfister 19 Shepherds […]
Tag Archives | J. W. E. Airey

J. W. E. Airey, the Cowboy Priest
Anne Sloan tells the story of the young rector who parishioners called the “Cowboy Priest,” but an examination of his life reveals a man with far more than an affectation for boots. A magician, ventriloquist, cowboy, whittler, showman, circus promoter, frontier historian, writer, and dedicated Episcopal clergyman, Airey had no time to waste.

Upcoming Issue: A Call to Worship
The upcoming issue of Houston History, “Visions of Faith,” explores aspects of the city’s diverse religious heritage and concludes the three-part series on Houston’s wards.