Nestled in the middle of an industrial neighborhood where many awake to the vigorous hustle and bustle of everyday life lies an area where thirty-five, and possibly many more, black Houstonians share their final resting place. Situated by a bayou that is lined with trash and home to squirrels, birds, rabbits, snakes, and herons, this […]
Tag Archives | METRORail
Palm Center: A Window into Southeast Houston
With the recent addition of the Southeast line to the METRORail network, the Greater Third Ward is geared for revitalizing changes. The new line extends from downtown to the Palms Center, a former shopping center located at the intersection of Griggs Road and Martin Luther King Boulevard.
Stories Along the Line: METRO’s New Southeast Light Rail
The Southeast Transit Corridor Stations will be located on the edges of Houston’s Third Ward, a predominately African American community. Given this community’s location, The Dawn Project / Johnston Marklee team consciously focused on honoring the powerful contributions of Houston’s African Americans. Working with six historians who specialize in African American history situated in Texas […]
The Streetcar in Houston
To read the full text of this article by Stephanie Fuglaar that appeared in the Spring 2008 issue of Houston History, download the pdf version.