Tag Archives | Plessy v. Ferguson

senior class representatives 1984

The Long Road Ahead: Desegregation in HISD and Milby High School 

Brown v. Board of Education paved the way towards integration in public schools nationwide and set a crucial precedent in the fight to end segregation. The process of implementing the Brown decision varied from state to state, city to city, and district to district, each with their own story. In some areas, the story of […]

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University of Houston Integration Records: A Difficult Path to Desegregation

By Bethany ScottThe Houstonian yearbook highlighted the need for financial aid as a major reason for the University’s bid to become a state school. Houstonian yearbook, 1961. Despite its current status as one of the country’s most diverse universities, the University of Houston, like numerous institutions of higher education, was founded in an era of […]

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