Archive | Politics

In 2018, lead artist Danny Asberry El with Craig Carter, Zink, Jeff, and Joshua created the first mural commemorating the history of Independence Heights, located on Whole Foods and the North Loop and Yale.  All photos courtesy of Independence Heights Redevelopment Council unless otherwise noted.

Preserving History: The Importance of Independence Heights  

I remember the first time I saw the sign that read “Independence Heights: Historic Houston Community.” It piqued my curiosity, and that interest stayed with me. As the years went by, townhomes that reigned on the other side of the 610 Loop began creeping into the historic neighborhood. As the landscape changed and the old […]

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For the City

Houston History celebrates its twentieth anniversary with its fiftieth issue in the fall of 2023. The issue also marks the culmination of the three-year grant project: 100 Years of Stories – Documenting a Century at the University of Houston highlighting the way the university, its programs, and individuals have impacted the community.

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Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Mayor Kathy Whitmire

Kathy Whitmire brought many firsts to Houston during her rapid rise in local politics. A native Houstonian, she spent her childhood in Huntsville and Houston, attending Berry Elementary School and Marshall Junior High in Northeast Houston, before graduating from San Jacinto High School. Acknowledging her keen interest in politics in her youth, Whitmire’s path towards […]

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A Pioneer of Local Diversity: University of Houston’s Muslim Student Association 

If you visit the University of Houston’s Student Center South on a Monday, you might run into a group of students running the “Dawah Dollar Mondays” table event. The young men ask passing students one question about Islam, and if the participant answers correctly, they win cash. The University of Houston Muslim Student Association (UHMSA) […]

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Cougars Fostering Inclusion in the U.S. Military

By Christine Le with Jacob Loew General Barrye Price, LTC Melissa Comiskey, and 2LT Katelyn Kubosh have each played a role in opening doors to women in the U.S. Military. Photos courtesy of the U.S. Army. Serving in the military requires a noble spirit along with a strong passion for service and our nation. Enlistment, […]

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Nancy and Katy 80s Photo

Nancy Sims and Katy Caldwell Talk on Political Junkies and Poodle Hair

By Max Ward  Katy Caldwell, left, and Nancy Sims, right, celebrate Nancy’s thirtieth birthday together in 1989. The pair met while working on a political campaign in 1984. All photos courtesy of Nancy Sims and Katy Caldwell unless otherwise noted.   Katy Caldwell and Nancy Sims both grew up in Houston in the 1960s. One was […]

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20.1 Innovative Thinkers: Letter from the Editor

Debbie Z. Harwell, Editor Do you ever wonder when you see a new product, “Why didn’t I think of that?” (Sometimes followed by, “I’d be rich!”). As Google search for the question, “how do we get ideas?” returned 4.4 billion responses. (That’s billion with a “B”!). So, I did what most of us do and […]

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Preserving Black LGBTQ+ History

By Erika Thompson On a brisk December morning, over flaky croissants and Parisian tea in dainty, porcelain cups, the answer was yes. Overwhelmingly, emphatically, unequivocally YES. There was no need to finish either the pitch or the ask; we were already completely on board. Houston LGBTQ activist Charles Law addresses a crowd during the 1979National March on Washington for Lesbianand Gay Rights.Photo courtesy of Botts Collection of LGBT History. It is a […]

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Houston Area Women’s Center

By Lena Craven HAWC staff and volunteers cheerfully assist with the move to the center’s new headquarters at No. 4 Chelsea Place. All photos courtesy of Houston Area Women’s Clinic Photographs, Carey Shuart Women’s Research Collection, Special Collections, University of Houston Libraries. Ellen Cohen remembers the public perception surrounding the Houston Area Women’s Center (HAWC) […]

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