Tag Archives | Chicano Movement

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El Programa Bracero

“You never forget the Bracero experience,” former bracero Aurelio Marin commented, perfectly summarizing the triumphs, tribulations, and turbulence of America’s highly-controversial and highly-impactful Mexican Farm Labor Program Program, commonly known as the Bracero Program, which started in 1942 to supply able-bodied Mexican laborers to U.S. industries suffering shortages at the outset of World War II. […]

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A Scream or a Whisper: Images of Activism in Houston

Activism takes many forms. Although most easily recognized by the sights and sounds of protestors marching down the street carrying signs, activism is also demonstrated quietly through the comforting voice that calms a stray animal or in a roadside memorial communicating awareness for road safety. The people behind these social movements, regardless of the voracity […]

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Volume 9, Number 1

Houston: Nuestra Historia Vol. 9, No. 1 (Fall 2011) Download PDF       Letter from Guest Editor Natalie Garza 2 La Colonia Mexicana: A History of Mexican Americans in Houston by Jesus Jesse Esparza 9 Trailblazers in Houston’s East End: The Impact of Ripley House and the Settlement Association on Houston’s Hispanic Population by Thomas […]

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Mayo9 for web

The Chicano Movement in Houston and Texas: A Personal Memory

The Chicano Movement of the 1960s and 1970s was essentially a grassroots community insurrection and rebellion against a stifling racism and oppression that strangled the Latino and Black communities of Houston and Texas in that time, and a determination to fight and defeat it. We sought to bring the Mexican American out of second-class citizenship […]

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