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Tag Archives | Houston Heights
Historic Preservation in Houston
by Minnette Boesel Click here to read a pdf of the full article.
House Special: Mexican Food & Houston Politics
By Mikaela Garza Selley From their beginnings, restaurants have served as more than just places to eat; people use restaurants as social centers and community landmarks. This is especially true in ethnic neighborhoods, where minority entrepreneurs have historically used their establishments to engage in civic activism. Doneraki Authentic Mexican Restaurant, Merida Mexican Café, Villa Arcos […]
J. W. E. Airey, the Cowboy Priest
Anne Sloan tells the story of the young rector who parishioners called the “Cowboy Priest,” but an examination of his life reveals a man with far more than an affectation for boots. A magician, ventriloquist, cowboy, whittler, showman, circus promoter, frontier historian, writer, and dedicated Episcopal clergyman, Airey had no time to waste.
Preservation vs. Modernization: The Houston Heights Public Library
To read the full text of this article by Jason P. Theriot published in the Fall 2005 issue of Houston History, download the pdf version.
Community in History: The Heights Remembers WWII
To read the full text of this article by Mary Michel Hinton that appeared in the Spring 2005 issue of Houston History, download the pdf version.