This story begins in 1886, thousands of miles away in the Ukrainian town of Korostyshiv in the Russian Empire, when Leebe Shaikovich, like many others before and after him, left his family behind to immigrate to the United States. The result was a retail legacy that spanned nine decades.
Tag Archives | Jesse H. Jones
Working the Houston Ship Channel: “Tote that barge! Lift that bale!”
By Debbie Z. Harwell The success of the Houston Ship Channel and the Port of Houston is built on more than the determination of businessmen, however. Since its earliest days the city has acted as a magnet for people coming here to look for work, particularly in jobs associated with the ship channel and the […]
Uncle Sam Wants You To Support the San Jacinto Battleground
by Barbara Eaves Click here to read a pdf of the full article.
Presenting Edna Saunders
by Betty Trapp Chapman Click here to read a pdf of the full article.
Giving as a Hobby: A Family Legacy
To view the entire article about the Hobby family’s philanthropy by Patricia Pando and Robert Pando, which appeared in Houston History Volume 7, Number 2, download the pdf version.
Reader’s Forum: Harris County, Texas, in the 1952 Election of Dwight Eisenhower
To read the full text of this article by Thomas D. Anderson that appeared in the Fall 2007 issue of Houston History, download the pdf version.
Memories of the San Jacinto Inn
To read the full text of this article by Katy Oliveira that appeared in the Spring 2007 issue of Houston History, download the pdf version.