Tag Archives | Marguerite Ross Barnett

Graduate students in Dr. Monica Perales’s Research in Public History class search University of Houston archival records for exhibit items. These boxes represent a mere fraction of the physical and digital materials students considered over two semesters. Shown left to right, Stephon Boykin, Rahil Asgari, and Alec Story. 

 Photo courtesy of Monica Perales.

Agents of Change: Celebrating Innovation at UH’s Centennial, A Collaborative Exhibit

By Mary ManningGraduate students in Dr. Monica Perales’s Research in Public History class search University of Houston archival records for exhibit items. These boxes represent a mere fraction of the physical and digital materials students considered over two semesters. Shown left to right, Stephon Boykin, Rahil Asgari, and Alec Story. Photo courtesy of Monica Perales. […]

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The Legacy of Marguerite Ross Barnett: A Modern Vanguard in Education

By Megan R. Dagnall The Board of Regents unanimously chose Marguerite Ross Barnett as president of the University of Houston in 1990, making her the first Black and female president of the institution. Barnett avoided discussion of her identity; instead, she focused on the community surrounding UH, and the development of the university as a premier research institution. […]

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20.1 Innovative Thinkers: Letter from the Editor

Debbie Z. Harwell, EditorDo you ever wonder when you see a new product, “Why didn’t I think of that?” (Sometimes followed by, “I’d be rich!”). As Google search for the question, “how do we get ideas?” returned 4.4 billion responses. (That’s billion with a “B”!). So, I did what most of us do and focused […]

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The 1990 appointment of Maruerite Ross Barnett as the university's president was an important milestone for the campus. Phot courtesy of UH Photographs Collection, 1948-2000, Special Collections, University of Houston Libraries.

UH & TSU Perpetuating “Separate but Equal”

In 1927, the Houston Independent School District (HISD) created two colleges during a local economic boom: Houston Junior College, and a “separate but equal” branch, Houston Colored Junior College. Eventually, they were designated the University of Houston and Texas Southern University respectively. What became TSU only admitted black applicants until 1956, and UH only admitted […]

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