Tag Archives | Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word


19.1 San Jose Clinic: Forever Healing – Letter from Editor

We are honored to have partnered with the San José Clinic to tell the story of their first 100 years providing healthcare to Houston’s underserved. Please see the joint letter introducing this issue from Houston History editor, Debbie Harwell, and San José Clinic President and CEO, Maureen Sanders.

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Founding of San José Clinic

Malnourishment and disease from Mexican Americans and Mexican’s impoverished communities in 1922 led to high infant morality rate and mothers’ lacking adequate knowledge about childcare. To combat these concerns, Msgr. George T. Walsh enlisted the help of Katherine Carroll and Theodora Kendall to establish a free clinic for the Mexican and Mexican American community in […]

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Respect, Dignity, and Home

By Joseph CastilloPins added to the map above indicate the early clinic locations in Second Ward. Pin 1: 1900 Franklin (1922-1925); pin 2: 1909 Canal (1925-1954); pin 3: 1919 Runnels (1954-1956); and pin 4: 301 Hamilton (195 6 -2 010 ). Map from Alacrán essay courtesy of the Houston Metropolitan Research Center, Houston Public Library, […]

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Looking to the Next 100 Years

By Alondra TorresThe San José Clinic opened its facility at 2615 Fannin in 2010. The state-of-the-art facility accommodated 27,940 patient visits in 2019 and in 2020, during the pandemic, provided 18,662 visits, including drive-through services. Photo courtesy of Wes Jackson, Ph.D.In a U.S. healthcare system trying to service hundreds of millions of people, many find themselves living without access to proper healthcare. Yet, people in […]

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