Tag Archives | The Art Guys

The Art Guys ©MorrisMalakoff (3)

The Art Guys: Behind the Creators of The Statue of Four Lies

By Sydney RoseThe Art Guys envisioned The Statue of Four Lies as an embodiment of themselves, their works, and the University of Houston. The duo spent over thirty years working together in Houston and exhibiting their work throughout Texas. Photo © Morris Malakoff, courtesy of Public Art UHS. A pair of bronze figures stand in a […]

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20.1 Innovative Thinkers: Letter from the Editor

Debbie Z. Harwell, EditorDo you ever wonder when you see a new product, “Why didn’t I think of that?” (Sometimes followed by, “I’d be rich!”). As Google search for the question, “how do we get ideas?” returned 4.4 billion responses. (That’s billion with a “B”!). So, I did what most of us do and focused […]

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