Tag Archives | Great Migration

senior class representatives 1984

The Long Road Ahead: Desegregation in HISD and Milby High School 

Brown v. Board of Education paved the way towards integration in public schools nationwide and set a crucial precedent in the fight to end segregation. The process of implementing the Brown decision varied from state to state, city to city, and district to district, each with their own story. In some areas, the story of […]

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The Hayes Family of Third Ward: African American Agency during the Great Migration

In 1899 Edward Wilbur Hayes left his home, Big Sandy in Upshur County, Texas, to attend Wiley College, walking sixty-two miles to Marshall, the location of the Methodist Episcopal school and Historical Black College/University, founded in 1873. His parents, former slaves and sharecroppers Peter and Caroline Hays, barely made enough money to feed their large […]

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Houstonians in Action Table of Contents 12.3

Download the full pdf. Vol. 12, No. 3 (Summer 2015) Letter from the Editor by managing editor Debbie Z. Harwell 2 A Scream or a Whisper: Images of Activism By Lindsay Scovil Dove 8 The Hayes Family of Third Ward: African American Agency during the Great Migration to Houston, 1900-1941 By Bernadette Pruitt 14 A […]

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Mollie Parrott, standing 4ourth from left and joined by daughter Carroll, attended numerous club meetings with other African American women in her effort to combat society's racism.

The Dawn at My Back: A Memoir of a Black Texas Upbringing

The Dawn at My Back: Memoir of a Black Texas Upbringing explores what it means to grow up in a racist society. It describes the injustices endured daily and vividly paints a picture of the pain they carry with them. Blue’s story demonstrates the power of racism to rip families apart, even as one consciously […]

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