The Spring 2024 issue of Houston History magazine reflects on ways in which we celebrate and preserve our history.

The Spring 2024 issue of Houston History magazine reflects on ways in which we celebrate and preserve our history.
Debbie Z. Harwell, EditorWe all have milestone moments that mark our personal history – perhaps a wedding, the birth of a child, a career achievement, or, sadly, the loss of a loved one. We also recall historic events that impact our culture. Thinking back to the 1960s, I remember my dad taking me to see […]
When we conceived the idea for this issue almost a year ago, we planned to focus on examples of industrial accidents and environmental improvement. That was before Harvey hit.
Pieces of History By Debbie Z. Harwell My parents were born in the early 1910s and had definite ideas about racial boundaries. Growing up in Houston I learned from an early age, “You don’t socialize with them.” Although I do not specifically remember being told to whom “them” referred, the meaning was clear. As I […]
The Spring issue of Houston History, “Protecting Our Green Heritage,” explores the ways in which we have protected our precious greenspaces and waterways in the Houston and Gulf Coast region.
To read the full text of this article by Joseph Pratt, Editor-in-Chief that appeared in the Summer 2008 issue of Houston History, download the pdf version.