Tag Archives | racism

University of Houston Integration Records: A Difficult Path to Desegregation

By Bethany Scott The Houstonian yearbook highlighted the need for financial aid as a major reason for the University’s bid to become a state school. Houstonian yearbook, 1961. Despite its current status as one of the country’s most diverse universities, the University of Houston, like numerous institutions of higher education, was founded in an era […]

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Mayo9 for web

The Chicano Movement in Houston and Texas: A Personal Memory

The Chicano Movement of the 1960s and 1970s was essentially a grassroots community insurrection and rebellion against a stifling racism and oppression that strangled the Latino and Black communities of Houston and Texas in that time, and a determination to fight and defeat it. We sought to bring the Mexican American out of second-class citizenship […]

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Mollie Parrott, standing 4ourth from left and joined by daughter Carroll, attended numerous club meetings with other African American women in her effort to combat society's racism.

The Dawn at My Back: A Memoir of a Black Texas Upbringing

The Dawn at My Back: Memoir of a Black Texas Upbringing explores what it means to grow up in a racist society. It describes the injustices endured daily and vividly paints a picture of the pain they carry with them. Blue’s story demonstrates the power of racism to rip families apart, even as one consciously […]

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