Hermann Park Conservancy Exhibit

Hermann Park Conservancy has partnered with the Julia Ideson Library downtown and the Houston Public Library to present an exhibition that runs until July 26th honoring Hermann Park’s centennial. Objects on display from the Park’s history include original planning documents, maps, renderings, and photos that have come from the archives of Hermann Park Conservancy, the Houston Parks and Recreation Department, and the City of Houston Archives in the Texas Room of the Julia Ideson Library. The exhibition is displayed upstairs in the Tudor Gallery and is free and open to the public.

The Welcome Wilson Houston History Collaborative created a film, Hermann Park Conservancy: The Early Years, in celebration of the centennial and in appreciation to the conservancy for its contributions to the Hermann Park and the city. Click on the image below to watch the film.

herman park conservamcy early years

The exhibition at the Julia Ideson Library is presented in partnership with Hermann Park Conservancy, Houston Public Library, the City of Houston, and the Houston Parks and Recreation Department. Special thanks to Friends of the Texas Room at the Houston Public Library, Danielle Burns, and Houston History Magazine

For hours and information on the Julia Ideson Library, click here.

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