Tag Archives | diversity

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Cougars Fostering Inclusion in the U.S. Military

By Christine Le with Jacob LoewGeneral Barrye Price, LTC Melissa Comiskey, and 2LT Katelyn Kubosh have each played a role in opening doors to women in the U.S. Military. Photos courtesy of the U.S. Army.Serving in the military requires a noble spirit along with a strong passion for service and our nation. Enlistment, training, service, […]

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UHCOM clinical assistant professor Dr. Steven Starks was recently awarded the Pozen-Commonwealth Fund Fellowship in Health Equity Leadership at Yale University.

The UH Tilman J. Fertitta Family College of Medicine: For the City

By Max Hosaka with Grace ConroyThe University of Houston’s College of Medicine holds a white coat ceremony to welcome its first incoming class on August 8, 2020. All photos courtesy of the Tilman J. Fertitta Family College of Medicine unless otherwise noted.Nestled just beyond downtown Houston sits “the largest medical city in the world” – […]

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Letter from the Editor

What is Houston’s DNA? By Debbie Z. Harwell “Discover your ethnic origins,” find the “source of your greatness,” trace your “health, traits, and ancestry,” and “amaze yourself…find new relatives.” Ads proliferate from companies like AncestryDNA, 23andMe, and MyHeritage enticing us to learn more about who we really are. People who send a saliva sample for […]

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Progressive Programming at KUHT

By Emily Vinson The KUHT television program People are Taught to be Different had the noble aim of improving intercultural understanding, and showing viewers that people are, at their core, much the same. Against a simple stage setting, elegant dancers interpreted moments of joy and sorrow, anger, and love across cultures, as the narrator provided […]

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