Military Might Vol. 11, No. 2 (Spring 2014) Download PDF Letter from the Editor, Joe Pratt 2 A Sharp Fight By Andrew W. Hall and Edward T. Cotham Jr. 8 USS Texas BB-35, Boasting more “Firsts” than any Ship in the U.S. Navy By Johnathan Flerchinger 13 Discovering Maritime Monuments from World War I […]
Tag Archives | G.I. Bill

Rockin’ and Boppin’
My newlywed parents came to Houston at the end of World War II with $150 to open a record shop. A former railroad employee, my dad, Frank Zerjav, hailed from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and had served as a master sergeant in the Air Force; my mother, Irene Freeman, created department store ads before going to work […]
Volume 10, Number 1
UH Celebrates 85 Years: The Road to Tier One Vol. 10, No. 1 (Fall 2012) Download PDF Letter from UHAA President Mike Pede 2 Houston: The City and the University, The Allure and the Promise By Chancellor and President Renu Khator 5 UH at 85 By Joe Pratt 9 The People’s University: […]

The Road to Tier One
Houston History and the UH Alumni Association have teamed up for this commemorative issue celebrating 85 years at the University of Houston. Check out the Table of Contents below and don’t forget to renew or subscribe to receive this great issue!

UH at 85
Joe Pratt, who has watched the UH campus evolve for over two-thirds of its existence, reflects on 85 years of UH history.

World War II Veterans and the GI Bill Revilatize UH
The 1940 Selective Service registration affected 77,177 men in Harris County alone, and since UH enrollment drew largely from commuter students, the University experienced record growth.