Tag Archives | HISD

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The Chicano Movement in Houston and Texas: A Personal Memory

The Chicano Movement of the 1960s and 1970s was essentially a grassroots community insurrection and rebellion against a stifling racism and oppression that strangled the Latino and Black communities of Houston and Texas in that time, and a determination to fight and defeat it. We sought to bring the Mexican American out of second-class citizenship […]

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William Holland: A Mighty Lion at Yates

In 1958, Jack Yates High School moved from its original location at 2610 Elgin Street in the Third Ward to its current location at 3703 Sampson, just a short distance away. It should have been an improvement—modern building, larger facility—but instead it marked a reversal from the school’s position as a central, guiding force for […]

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The 1990 appointment of Maruerite Ross Barnett as the university's president was an important milestone for the campus. Phot courtesy of UH Photographs Collection, 1948-2000, Special Collections, University of Houston Libraries.

UH & TSU Perpetuating “Separate but Equal”

In 1927, the Houston Independent School District (HISD) created two colleges during a local economic boom: Houston Junior College, and a “separate but equal” branch, Houston Colored Junior College. Eventually, they were designated the University of Houston and Texas Southern University respectively. What became TSU only admitted black applicants until 1956, and UH only admitted […]

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