Archive | Museums

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Houston Brings Home a Shuttle for Everyone to Share

Space Center Houston plans to open the exhibit in the summer of 2015 that will feature the mock-up shuttle Independence sitting atop the Boeing 747, in the “ferry position.” Visitors here will have a far more tangible, hands-on educational experience than those who visit sites housing the formerly active shuttles. They can explore the insides […]

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harry teaching how to use signal

The Houston Maritime Museum

The Houston Maritime Museum has educated and entertained visitors for fourteen years with the mission “To capture and preserve the wonder and influence of maritime history and the marine industry with focus on the development of Houston, the Texas Gulf Coast, and the State of Texas.” Located on the outskirts of the Museum District, the […]

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Museum: Buffalo Soldiers, A Nation’s History

By Jessica Denise Mitchell Today, when anyone can serve in the military regardless of color, religion, or sexual preference, many people tend to forget about a time when African Americans first earned the right to enlist in the military. Given the name Buffalo Soldiers by Native Americans because of their fierce fighting ability, these African […]

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Hermann Park Conservancy Exhibit

Hermann Park Conservancy has partnered with the Julia Ideson Library downtown and the Houston Public Library to present an exhibition that runs until July 26th honoring Hermann Park’s centennial. Objects on display from the Park’s history include original planning documents, maps, renderings, and photos that have come from the archives of Hermann Park Conservancy, the […]

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P-47 at Scholes International Airport

Warbirds Rising: Lone Star Flight Museum

In November, 2008, just two months after Hurricane Ike devastated Galveston, historian William H. Kellar drove to the island to interview Larry Gregory, president of the Lone Star Flight Museum and the Texas Aviation Hall of Fame, for a “Conversations with…” feature that appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of Houston History magazine. The museum, […]

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Volume 11 Number 3 Southeast Houston Table of Contents

  Southeast Houston: From Pastures to South Park to MLK Vol. 11, No. 3 (Summer 2014) Letter from Guest Editor Carroll Parrott Blue     Download Full PDF 2 Palm Center: A Window into Southeast Houston By Zachary Smith 8 The Kuhlmann Family: Planning Roots for Future Generations By Betty Trapp Chapman 13 Neglected Gully Gets Some […]

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