Tag Archives | Debbie Harwell

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WIMS Opening Dialogues across Race, Region & Religion

On March 7, 2016, the Welcome Wilson Houston History Collaborative and Center for Public Hisotry hosted it’s second Historically Speaking panel, “Wednesdays in Mississippi: Opening Dialogues across Race, Region, and Religion Then and Now” to discuss how the 1964 project was used at the time to combat racism and how similar methods re currently being […]

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Asian Americans: Expanding Our Horizons

The year 2015 marks a half century since the United States passed the Immigration and Nationality Act, a comprehensive immigration reform that abolished the racial quota system established in 1924 that was based on national origins. The new law admitted people based on criteria such as family reunification, skills needed in the U.S. workplace, and […]

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Members of the MacGregor Park Junior Tennis Program. Front row, seated, left to right: Jason Moran, David Marshall, Akida Mashaka, Jennifer Alexander, Priscilla Alexander, Tracey Holmes, and Fialka Milburn. Second row, kneeling, left to right: Terry (last name unknown), Felix (last name unknown), Faye (last name unknown), Atari (last name unknown), Shelly Mack, Michael Holmes, Thomas “Goose” Middleton, Morris (last name unknown), and Tina Haskins. Third row, standing, left to right: Thomas (last name unknown), Jeffrey Addison, Ramondo Mosley, Rayn Ross, Michael Curry, Melissa Kemp, Zina Garrison, Lisa Lang, name unknown, Mattie Middleton, unknown name, and Kathy Foxworth. Top row, standing, left to right: Sydney (last name unknown), Edgar Arnold, John Wilkerson, Willis (coach from Washington D. C.), and Rodney Harman. Photo courtesy of Michon Benson.

MacGregor Park, A Gift to Houston

When people hear the name MacGregor Park they likely think of two notable Houstonians: Henry F. MacGregor, a businessman and philanthropist who helped shape Houston’s development in the first quarter of the twentieth century whose family donated the land for the park in his honor, and Olympian Zina Garrison, who became a world champion tennis […]

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